Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I'm sure everyone is getting excited for their Thanksgiving Feast! Thanksgiving food is actually not all bad for you if you don't add a ton of fat, sugar, salt and consume in moderation. Happy Thanksgiving! :)

Health benefits of Thanksgiving food:

White turkey meat is loaded with B vitamins, is low in fat and high in protein.

Cranberries are full of vitamins A and C, low in calories and high in fiber.

Sweet potatoes have lots of vitamins A and C and are also high in fiber.

Pumpkin is fat-free, high in fiber, lower in calories when it comes to pie and loaded with vitamins A and C.

Carrots are a great source of vitamins A and C and have great fiber.

Broccoli is also high is vitamin A and C, low calories and it's a Super Veggie!

Green beans provide vitamins C and K and are high in fiber.

Green peas are high in vitamin K and fiber.

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