Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Treadmill Mix Up

My workout today is going to go like this...

Warm Up

Run on Treadmill at about 6 mph for 5 Minutes

Jump off Treadmill and do 10 Push Ups

Run on Treadmill at about 6 mph for 5 Minutes

Jump off Treadmill and do 20 Lunges (10 on each side)

Run on Treadmill at about 7 mph for 5 Minutes

Jump off Treadmill and do 10 Push ups

Run on Treadmill at about 8 mph for 5 Minutes

Jump off Treadmill and do 20 Lunges (10 on each side)

Sprint on Treadmill (I usually can do about 10 mph) for as long as you can, Up to 1 Minute

Jump off Treadmill and do 10 push ups

Run on Treadmill at about 8 mph for 5 minutes

Jump off Treadmill and do 20 Lunges (10 on each side)

Sprint on Treadmill for as Long As You Can again, up to 1 Minute

Run on Treadmill at about 6 for 5 minutes


If this workout is too advanced for you then still do it, just don't run as fast. If you are a beginner and just need to walk fast, you'll still get the benefits from this workout. If you need more of a challenge, bump up the speed on your runs and add weights to your lunge exercises. Have fun and remember to ALWAYS Warm Up and Cool Down!

Make it a Great Day:)


  1. I love doing this type of workout in my basement! ps since you posted about doing the 12 minute short workouts ive been doing that when I dont feel like I have the time ( or motivation ) to get a whole one in and its made a big difference! Before I would not have bothered if I couldnt get at least a half hour in. I agree on the lemon water too, love doing that in the morning!

  2. I'm so glad the 12 minute workouts are making a big difference. I feel the same:) Thanks Ashley
